Surgical delivery (Cesarean section)
This is being planned by the medical team and the mother in advance when there are medical or social indications.
The decision for cesarean cut can be taken even in the process of natural delivery, when the situation calls for it.
Reasons for urgent Cesarean Section may be:
- Eclampcia or heavy Preeclampsia which is a pregnancy complication characterized by high blood pressure and signs of damage to another organ system, most often the liver and kidney
- The baby is in bad or restricting the normal delivery position, or it is bigger than normal to safely pass through the pelvic (disproportion)
- The baby suffers from lack of oxygen (fetal distress)
- The baby's head is too big compared to the shape and dimensions of the pelvic
- Lack of progress during the labour - weak contractions or not enough dilatation
- Placenta praevia - placenta is blocking the exit