The amount of money granted is up to BGN 6,000.

What does this amount cover?

For fresh embryo transfer activities (up to BGN 6,000.00):

Ultrasound examinations - up to 6 pieces - BGN 37.50/piece.
Hormonal tests - up to 10 pieces - up to BGN 18.00/piece.
Follicular puncture under ultrasound control - BGN 500.00.
Classic in vitro fertilization - BGN 1,625.00.
Fertilization through the so-called ICSI – BGN 2000.00.
Embryo transfer – BGN 425.00
Cryopreservation of pre-implantation embryos – BGN 250.00.
Medicinal products - up to BGN 2357.50.

For thawed embryo transfer activities (up to BGN 600.00):

Ultrasound examinations - BGN 37.50/pc.
Embryo thawing – BGN 125.00.
Cultivation – BGN 62.50
Transfer of thawed embryos – BGN 375.00.

In the case of assisted reproduction of a spontaneous cycle (up to BGN 6,000.00):

Ultrasound examinations - up to 12 pieces - BGN 37.50/piece.
Follicular puncture under ultrasound control - up to 4 pieces - BGN 500.00/piece.
Fertilization – BGN 2,000.
Embryo freezing - up to 3 pieces - BGN 250.00/piece.
Embryo thawing – BGN 312.50.
Cultivation – BGN 62.50
Transfer/s of thawed embryos – BGN 425.00.

For assisted reproduction activities to preserve the fertility of women with cancer (up to BGN 3,000.00):

Ultrasound examinations - up to 6 pieces - BGN 37.50/piece.
Hormonal studies - up to 10 pcs. – BGN 22.50/pc.
Follicular puncture under ultrasound control - BGN 500.00.
Egg freezing - BGN 250.00/pc.
Medicinal products - up to BGN 1,800.00

For assisted reproduction activities for women with cancer (up to BGN 3000.00):

Ultrasound examinations - up to 4 pieces - BGN 37.50/piece.
Thawing of eggs - BGN 350.00.
Fertilization – BGN 2000.00
Cultivation – BGN 62.50
Transfer of embryos – BGN 425.00.

How to apply for CAR funding?

Patients can personally submit the documents to the Assisted Reproduction Center in a set of documents prepared by the patient's chosen medical facility. The preparation of the set of documents by SBAL "Saint Lazar" is free of charge. When submitting them, each patient receives an incoming number. The patients of SBAL "Saint Lazar" will receive complete information about the application and CAR during the consultations held with our in vitro specialists.
For more information:

What does the CAR fund?

The Center for Assisted Reproduction grants a financial subsidy to persons with infertility, treatable primarily by ART methods and more specifically by in vitro fertilization in the presence of the following indications:

• tubal sterility in women (ICD-X: N97.1)

• male factor-related sterility (ICD-X: N97.4)

• female sterility associated with lack of ovulation due to LUFS

• infertility with an etiology not clarified by conventional diagnostic methods

• proven monogenic genetic disease or proven balanced chromosomal mutation in at least one of the partners;

• proven oncological disease in the woman