Donor programs
Having a baby using a donor sperm, egg or both gives hope to many people who thought they could never become parents. Our ART Lab is fully certified and has it's own cryo bank for donor sperm, egg and embryos. We can safely say that we can meet any patient's needs. We also have an active contract with an international cryo bank as we aim to offer our patients the best possible service.
Donated eggs may be offered to women suffering premature menopause, whose eggs will not fertilize, whose ovaries have been removed, women with a genetic disorder that may be passed on or, older women.
Some men may have a very low sperm count or no sperm for a variety of reasons. In these cases, donor sperm insemination may be an appropriate treatment option. A couple may choose to use donor sperm if the male partner has a genetic disorder that might be passed on. Single women and same sex couples may also choose to use our sperm donor insemination program.
In our laboratory we can use both fresh and frozen eggs depending on the needs and want of the patients.
The patient has the right to chose the donor/s according to phenotype signs only. This way the anonymity of the donors is guaranteed as regulated by the Ministry of Health.
An Egg donor can become any woman between the age of 18-34 meeting the following criteria:
- At least one child of her own
- Lacking anamnesis for family diseases
- Negative testing for HIV HBV, HBC and Syphilis
- Notary signed written consent for donation
The donation of eggs is an act for free in Bulgaria, but some expenses are paid to the donor, such as: transportation, hotel accommodation, absence from work, lost benefits.
If you wish to become a donor please do not hesitate to contact us. You will be directed to the Hospital Manager Mrs Gabriela Georgieva or to our IVF specialist Dr. Valentin Lachev, MD